Senin, 03 Agustus 2009

my students work in literary work

This is the results of the students interpretation when I talk about english literature. I try to give my big appreciate to their work by take this work on the wall magazine. look, at this results it's full of variation work.These are the seventh grade students' of SMP Patra Mandiri 1 Plaju, Palembang creation.

Rabu, 15 Juli 2009

literary appreciation

nows day there are so many teachers avoided teaching literature lesson to their students. there are so many reason, feeling boring, and also confusing how to teach it well. in fact teaching literature can be interesting for the students and the teacher. according to Mrs. Rita Indrawaty, my belove lecturer, as a teacher we should teach literature in the school. becouse beside the language skill, we can teach moral aspek to the students through teaching literature. on of the effective method in teaching literature is by using seven (7) readers respons